TrueCare is proud to partner with Fresh Start Surgical Gifts to provide life-changing surgeries at absolutely no cost to children in the San Diego vicinity needing reconstruction procedures from certain medical conditions.
If you have a child or know of a child in need of reconstructive surgery but don’t have insurance or are experiencing financial hardship, come to one of our evaluation clinics!
2024 Fresh Start Evaluation clinic dates:
All screening assessments are free from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
At TrueCare San Marcos:
- April 3
- June 19
- August 14
- November 14
At TrueCare Mission Mesa:
- June 20
- July 18
- October 17
A partial list of procedures performed by Fresh Start — at no cost — to qualifying children includes:
- Microtia (abnormal outer ear)
- Scar revisions
- Otoplasty (ear surgery)
- Cleft lip and palate repair (mouth and lip abnormality)
- Septo-rhinoplasty (corrective nose surgery)
- Gynecomastia (increased breast gland tissue in boys)
- Burn contracture (from scarring)
- Treacher-Collins Syndrome (underdevelopment of the facial skeleton, cheekbones, jaws, palate and mouth)
- Hemi facial microsomia (underdevelopment of one side of face)
- Laser for vascular lesions (birthmarks)
- Nevus flammeus (port-wine stain)
- Facial hypoplasia (when upper jaw, cheekbones and eye sockets have not grown as much as the rest of the face)
- Dental resulting from facial abnormalities
- And more!
Walk-ins are welcome or register in advance on the Fresh Start website.
If you have any questions, contact Fresh Start at (760) 448-2018.