Contact TrueCare
Scheduling an appointment with a TrueCare provider is quick and easy.
With one phone number, you can set up an appointment at any TrueCare Health Center. Our friendly bilingual staff speak English and Spanish, and we also offer translation services for more than a dozen languages.
Schedule an appointment
Existing Patients: Call or text (760) 736-6767 / Log into MyChart
Virtual Health (telehealth): Call or text (760) 736-6767
QuickCare (San Marcos, West San Marcos, Oceanside): Schedule Online
Patient Navigation Center
We’re here to help!
Our friendly team will help you make appointments, answer questions, and direct you to the healthcare services you need. It’s also the place to call for billing inquiries and to set up transportation for a visit.
Monday – Friday: 7:30am – 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
(760) 736-6767
After regularly scheduled hours
All patient calls are directed to our answering service. In the event of a medical emergency, your call will be directed to an on-call provider or the nearest Emergency Department for care.
TrueCare Contact Information
Phone Directory
Health Insurance Assistance: (760) 736-6734
HIV/Aids Case Management: (760) 736-6725
Medical Records Request: Fax – all locations: (877) 279-1995
MyChart Support: (760) 736-6776
Patient Financial Services: (760) 736-8646
Pharmacy: San Marcos (760) 736-6711 / Oceanside (760) 566-1590
Transportation Services: (760) 736-6791
Volunteer / Internship Information: (760) 736-8746
Women’s Health Inquiries: (760) 736-6767
WIC Program: (888) 477-6333
TrueCare Locations and WIC Offices
Contact TrueCare at (760) 736-6767 if you’re unsure which location is the right health center for you, and you will be directed to the appropriate facility or care provider.

Pediatric Care